curve surf, surf accessories new zealand, surf auckland, surf tauranga

Gidday and welcome to the new & improved Curve New Zealand website! Being a kiwi surf company we thought its about time we had a specific site for the good surf riders of ow-teoroa - so here it is! put down your mince n cheese pie and have a poke around - you'll find all your favourite Curve surf accessories - plus a bunch of new stuff including the tricked out Armourdillo surfboard travel bag (surfboard travel armour), some sexy new hexcore performance surfboard fins, wetsuit accessories including the new Slug change sock (world first) .....and more more more great surf stuff. 

For our returning customers thanks for all the support over the last 8 years and backing us in our mission of helping kiwi Surfers take on the world. we love hearing from you, and thats how a lot of our existing products are refined, and new products are designed - please jump on our test pilot form (errr....sorry, not quite working yet - but should be soon!) to let us know what you think.  

we get stoked on spreading the stoke, and are 100% dedicated to our mantra of shaping surf travel - designing some of the best surf and SUP gear on the planet - right from little ol' NZ! seems like only yesterday we were lying in our fetid waxy surfboard bags on a beach in Brazil drawing up ideas on the back of beer labels for a boardbag that had an actual bed in it.....nek minnit....  here we are with a pretty decent range of gear which even won an NZ design award.   

If you are still reading this then cheers, heres a big dose of good wave karma to you, and thanks again for the support. Happy browsing and see you in the soup!

Curve - keeping the stoke alive since 2005 


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